
轉知:【FSE NTUST EMI Support Team】英文寫作及口說工作坊(場次三) English Writing and Speaking Workshops(S3)



寫作及口說的練習不能間斷!! 英文能力不足或是想自我增進的同學,歡迎並鼓勵身邊的同學及朋友透過此活動,讓自己的英文能力不斷提升~歡迎趕快報名參加!💖

🔵 主題: 英文寫作及口說工作坊 (S3)
🔵 時間: 2024/05/03(週五)13:20 -16:20
🔵 講師: 學術交流基金會英語協同教學人員-梁心梅 Emma 及彭亞當 Adam
🔵 地點: 國立臺灣科技大學
🔵 對象: 臺科大全校學生

*因名額有限,報名完成不代表錄取,FSE EMI顧問團隊於活動前2天Email通知報名結果



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Dear students,

Many exciting activities await your participation in the second semester.🥳

Continuous practice in writing and speaking is really important!! For students with insufficient English abilities or those looking to self-improve, we welcome and encourage you and your friends to join this event. Don't hesitate to sign up!💖

🔵 Topic: English Writing and Speaking Workshop (S3)
🔵 Date/Time: 2024/05/03 (Friday) 13:20–16:20
🔵 Speakers: Fulbright ETFs-Emma and Adam
🔵 Location: NTUST
🔵 Participants: All students of NTUST

*Students from the Global English Communication Course can obtain the organizer's certification:
Attending both writing and speaking sessions on the same day will earn you three certification stamps.
️ Due to the limited slots, completing the registration does not guarantee acceptance.
️ The FSE EMI Support Team will email the results two days before the event.
️ Unless in an emergency, requesting leave or absence from the event is not allowed to avoid impacting one's own rights and being blacklisted. 

Register Here


If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me! 🤗


Fulbright EMI Support Team- May Mei


May Mei  [梅華珍

EMI Program Coordinator  [EMI 專員

Foundation for Scholarly Exchange (Fulbright Taiwan) [學術交流基金會

2F., 45 Yanping S. Rd., Taipei 10043, Taiwan  [10043 台北市延平南路452]  Email: mmei@fse.fulbright.org.tw
