轉知:【FSE NTUST EMI Support Team】英文寫作及口說工作坊(場次四) / English Writing and Speaking Workshops(S4)


寫作及口說的練習不能間斷!! 英文能力不足或是想自我增進的同學,歡迎並鼓勵身邊的同學及朋友透過此活動,讓自己的英文能力不斷提升~歡迎趕快報名參加!💖
🔵 主題: 英文寫作工作坊 (S4) : 簡歷撰寫
🔵 時間: 2024/10/11 (週五)13:20-15:20
🔵 講師: 學術交流基金會英語協同教學人員-Henry
🔵 地點: 國立臺灣科技大學
🔵 對象: 臺科大全校學生
✅ 全程參與者可取得主辦單位兩小時的認證章
*因名額有限,報名完成不代表錄取,FSE EMI顧問團隊於活動前5-10天Email通知報名結果


Dear students,

Many exciting activities await your participation in the new semester.🥳

Continuous practice in writing and speaking is really important!! For students with insufficient English abilities or those looking to self-improve, we welcome and encourage you and your friends to join this event. Don't hesitate to sign up!💖

🔵 Topic: English Writing Workshop (S4) : Resume Building
🔵 Date/Time: 2024/10/11 (Friday)  13:20-15:20
🔵 Speakers: Fulbright ETFs- Henry
🔵 Location: NTUST
🔵 Participants: All students of NTUST

*Students from the Global English Communication Course can obtain the organizer's certification:
✅ Attending both writing and speaking sessions on the same day will earn you 2 hours certification stamps.
⬇️ Due to the limited slots, completing the registration does not guarantee acceptance.
⬇️ The FSE EMI Support Team will email the results two days before the event.
⬇️ Unless in an emergency, requesting leave or absence from the event is not allowed⛔ to avoid impacting one's own rights and being blacklisted.⛔